From @OllyMursFlorida

From @OllyMursFlorida

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Your Reviews Could = Free Pizza

We’ve begun giving away pizza and the people who will have the best chance to win are those who provide our readers with pizza reviews. If you’ve got the ability to put 2-3 coherent paragraphs together while you’re eating pizza or soon after eating pizza, please do so in the form below.

Three simple rules:

1) Be as creative, as fun or as serious as you want.
2) Make it 2-3 paragraphs in length (even longer is better, we love details)
3) Share your review with friends once we post it. We’ll send you a note when it’s live on PizzaSpotz.

NOTE: Reviews may be edited for language. We do get quite a few under 12 readers. Thanks.

Please submit photos with your review. You can upload as many as you want, but our system at this time only accepts the first three you send. Sorry about that. But who cares about technical glitches when pizza is involved? We're excited to see what you have to say about pizza.


Min photo size is 200 x 300 px. If you have no images, we'll find one of the pizzeria and post it with your review.

On occasion, we give away free pizza. Please leave your email address with your review.

Please complete the required fields.
Please select your image(s) to upload.