Coming Soon

Everybody loves pizza! Actors and actresses, singers, sports figures… everyone loves pizza and we want to hear from you (or your publicist).
PizzaSpotz, one of the top pizza websites in the world, is creating a new section just for celebrities. We want to know the following from you!
1. What is your favorite pizzeria in the world? (list as many as you want)
2. What was your favorite pizzeria you grew up eating at regularly? (list 2-3 if you want)
3. What is your favorite type of pizza, toppings, crust, etc?
4. Finally, what is your earliest pizza memory?
Our new celebrity posts (a separate post with your answers to the above questions) will include links to social media accounts and to your latest project(s).
Answers can be tweeted to (@pizzaspotz). If you want to go into more depth about your love for pizza, please send an email or have your publicist send an email to brian at pizzaspotz dot com.