On May 9th, 2016, Pizza Hut broke a new world record, making the highest ever pizza delivery. Delivering a pizza to the higest elevation took some time. Their pizza delivery guy was a backpacker hiking up Mt. kilimanjaro in Tanzania, Africa. The record delivery was at 19,341 feet. Now, this record is only for elevations on earth, Pizza Hut already has the record for the farthest delivery (which was pretty high up too) when they delivered to the International Space Station in 2001.
The delivery to the top of Mt. Kilimanjaro marked Pizza Hut’s opening a store in its 100th country. The pizza delivery was a team effort, several Pizza Hut employees and professional guides hiked six days to deliver the pizza pies.
In case the PR from hiking up a mountain with pizzas wasn’t enough to cause a buzz, the pizza delivery hike also was used as a fundraiser for the Msasani Primary School in Dar Es Salaam, Tanzania.
The pizza was delivered in a battery-heated backpack, take a look below.
At first, the delivery was planned to be made by helicopter and then hiked up the mountain from the base camp, but the thin air wouldn’t support a helicopter. Then Pizza Hut ruled out a drone because of the high winds. They then decided to just deliver the really really old fashioned way, walk it up the mountain.