If we’ve created a “review listing” for your restaurant/pizzeria, you can link your “review listing” to a PizzaSpotz logo/badge on your front page.
You can select from the following, some look better than others if you shrink them to fit alongside
other badges/logos you may feature. You can right click and save any of the images below.
Here is our 500 x 500 pixel logo without our name. However, you can always include a hover text which says “Review us on PizzaSpotz” or something similar. If not sure how to do this, we can help.
More logos/badges
45 x 45 pixel logo
500 x 500 logo with our name. Red with white text.
500 x 500 logo with pizzaspotz.com name. Red with white text.
Transparent 500 x 500 logo. If you have a white background, this logo should only show the red text.