Photo by LPPA (Creative Commons)
What are your favorite top ten pizza toppings? This list of top ten pizza toppings comes straight from Sabine at Lushaj’s Pizza and Pasta in Euless, TX. Your top ten pizza toppings may vary. If you’re a waitress or a pizzeria owner, we’d love to read about your most requested toppings. If you’re a pizza loving customer, we’d love to read your list of favorite pizza toppings. Please comment below. Just comment away about pizza toppings, the ones you love, like, hate, never seen on a pizza, wish you could taste, etc.
Here is Sabine’s list of top ten pizza toppings she’s noticed while working locally in DFW.
10. Tomatoes
It was a close one between tomatoes and bell peppers, but in the end, tomatoes made our top ten pizza toppings list just ahead of bell peppers.
9. Spinach
Here’s a pizza topping that would make Popeye proud. Not from a can of course, fresh spinach on a pizza can taste wonderful and it’s a healthy pizza topping too, probably the healthiest in our top ten pizza toppings list.
8. Jalepenos
I’m not sure how Jalapenos rank in your prat of the country, but these extremely hot peppers are popular in Texas and hence their popularity in our top ten pizza toppings list. I’m actually surprised they’re not higher on our list. If you’re from the DFW area and want to start a comment writing campaign to get jalepenos higher on our list, it might just work.
7. Black Olives
My wife is no fan of these little black veggies, she wants nothing to do with them. However, they have enough fans in the DFW area to rank number 7 on our list. I’m not a fan either, but there’s got to be some of you out there. Let us know if you like black olives.
6. Mushrooms
Can you say, “Mmmmmmmm,mmmmmmm Mushroom!” If you can, then maybe you’re one of the many mushroom fans who love this pizza topping. I’m a fan of them breaded and I have eaten them on pizza, maybe I need to eat them on pizza more often.
5. Canadian Bacon
I knew this pizza topping would make it onto our list of top ten pizza toppings. I see it on pizzas all the time. When I’m in our local pizzeria, I hear the phone ring and a lot of the pizzas ordered consist of some amount of Canadian bacon, either a half a pizza, one-fourth or an entire pie.
4. Hamburger / Beef
Ah, yes. Hamburger or beef is one of the best pizza toppings available. There’s something tantalizing about the mixture of beef with cheese. One of the things that makes this a favorite is those friends who go out to eat and one wants a hamburger, the other wants a cheese pizza and they compromise on a hamburger pizza. Yeah, that has to be the reason this pizza topping is so popular.
3. No Topping (plain cheese pizza)
Many pizzeria owners will admit this is their favorite. If a pizzeria can make a great cheese pizza, you’re tasting the real thing. A slice of cheese has no toppings to get in the way of the perfectly melted cheese (slightly browned is great). If you really want to know if a pizzeria is amazing or not, first try a slice of cheese. Then, on your next order, pile on all the toppings you want.
2. Sausage
The second topping on our top ten list today made from pork (but not our last) is sausage. This is a massively popular topping. There’s must be something about a pork product that makes a pizza complete. As for me, I’ve strayed away from sausage pizza over the years, but when I was a kid, with no valid opinion on what toppings we should have, sausage was the topping of choice in our house or at the local pizzeria.
Finally, number one in our top ten pizza toppings list is…..
1. Pepperoni
You knew this was coming didn’t you? And still the champion pizza topping…… yes, it’s pepperoni. I doubt there will ever be a pizza topping to top this champ. Unless, the invasive government in the United States decides to outlaw pepperoni because it can often times be too greasy for our own good.
Even if that does happen, I think they’ll be a huge underground market for pepperoni pizzas.
Happy eating!