As of February 9, 2013, these pugs are available for adoption.
When asked what pizza they like best, most of them barked, “iFratelli”
but one said, “Fireside Pies” and another said, “Lushaj’s in Euless.”
Not all pugs are the same, we all know that.
This list is brought to you buy the great team over at DFW Pug Rescue. If you want to know a bit more about DFW Pug Rescue, here are some facts:
DFW Pug Rescue is a 501(c)(3) organization that is 100% volunteer based, so all donations and proceeds from events go directly to help our rescue pugs. We are the largest pug rescue in the nation and have rescued and adopted out over 5,500 pugs since 1997. We rescue approximately 10 pugs a week, and we rescue ALL pugs regardless of age or medical condition. Since we rescue all pugs, our veterinary care is our biggest on-going expense averaging approximately $250,000 a year. We have placed pugs in 28 states, British Columbia, Canada, Hawaii, Germany, and Japan!
I’m so thankful to Jenna for making this list for us and for everyone at DFW Pug Rescue for doing the great work they do.
1. Lucy Liu
My name is Lucy Lui! I’ve had a tough little life. A long time ago, I broke my leg. The people who were supposed to care for me didn’t fix me like they should have. My bones healed crooked and I was a painful mess. DFW Pug Rescue found me all alone in a shelter all the way out in Abilene. They spent a lot of money and effort trying to fix my leg, but eventually the doctors had to amputate. It’s ok, though! I’m still a great little pug—great manners and house trained, too! And I’m full of love! I just need a little help getting around sometimes. I love following you around but sometimes I teeter and totter and topple over. But you just have to right me and I’m back on my merry way! And I’m only 11 pounds, so I won’t break your back. I’m not a fan of cats or kids, but I’m good with other dogs, as long as they don’t tip me over! And because I’ve only got 3 legs, I don’t need a lot of exercise!
2. Mayor Tom
Hi, I’m Mayor Tom! I am between 7 and 9 years old. I love to snuggle with humans and dogs, sleep under the covers (even though I like my dog bed too), play with toys, run around outside, and try new foods. I was really picky when my foster mom got me from the vet’s. I had just had one of my eyes removed and a bunch of teeth pulled, so I wasn’t feeling very good. I would only eat dry dog food out of my foster mom’s hand. Now, I enjoy my food as well as healthy snacks, such as edamame, peanut butter, sweet potatoes, and coconut. I like to patrol my fortress (yard) and help the other dogs protect it from squirrels, birds, and cats. I help my foster mom work outside weeding, raking, and composting.
3. Mike
My name is Mike and I have been through quite a lot in my 8 years. You see, just as I was entering the golden years….you know, those leisure-filled days that you humans refer to as “retirement”, I found myself sitting in a cage at the shelter. It seems that my old owner just couldn’t provide me with a home anymore and off to the shelter I went. Luckily for me, DFW Pug Rescue came to my rescue! They found that I had a bum hip, but no worries! I was hooked up with an awesome vet and had hip surgery at the beginning of October. What a relief! I am feeling so much better every day. My foster mom says that I am the sweetest old man pug around (and, honestly, who wouldn’t think that about me???) I am happy, playful and love my foster sibling. This new life of mine isn’t too shabby! There is only one thing that I can think of that would make it perfect…….and that would be to find my forever home. You know what I mean. That family that will love me for the rest of my life. And, hey, I’m only 8! I still have a lot of kisses to give, pets to receive and love to share!
4a and 4b Mudzy & Satch
We’re Mudzy and Satch, the biggest cutie-pies you’ll ever meet! We’re 7 years old and we’ve been best friends since as long as we can remember! We had a good life for a long time, but our owner got sick and couldn’t take care of us anymore. The clinic was new and scary for us, especially Satch, because he’s a sensitive kind of guy. But now we’re in a foster home and we feel so much better! If only we could find another forever home with room for two big lugs like us, and everything will be perfect again! How can you not love a face like Mudzy’s, with a tongue that’s always hanging out? It’s so long he could lick his own eye! He’s a pretty laid-back guy who just LOVES to explore. And Satch is a sweet, sweet boy who wants nothing else in the world but to be loved. He can get a little anxious when he thinks he’s missing out on something, but he’s learning to take turns with his foster brothers to get pets. You know what they say, big tummies, big hearts! (Is that how it goes? We thinks so!)
5. Sir Gizmo
You know the saying everything’s bigger in Texas? Well, I’m no exception! I’m a big, 9-year-old, guy with a big heart who loves to give big kisses! I may not hear or see well, but I’m GREAT at giving hugs, cuddles and love. I love other dogs and have a blast with my foster brother. They taught me the ropes, and I caught on quick here – where the water and food are, the back door, the couch (my favorite place) and, I pick up on things fast! But, like most dogs, I’m a creature of habit, and, since I can’t see well, if things change, I might bumper-pug my way around until I figure things out again. I may be a special dog, but my special needs don’t really get in the way as long as you remember that I work by memory. I’m completely house broken, I don’t bark much, I’m super laid back, and, as long as you love on me and have toys around, I’m super easy to please!
6a. and 6b. Snoopy & Sprocket
(bonded pair): We’re the amazing duo, Snoopy and Sprocket! I’m Snoopy, and I’m 8 years old. Since I’m older (Sprocket’s only 6!), I’m the leader! I’m a really cool dude and all the ladies love me. And I like the attention! I just love pets and snuggles. I’m a little bow-legged because of a tricky front leg, but hey, so was John Wayne! Sprocket is my little sidekick. He’s a little anxious sometimes, but that’s why he has me around! And a nice foster mom who reminds him that everything’s alright. And did you know? He’s the world’s greatest lap-warmer! We’ve been all over these here parts, and for a time we were separated. Sprocket missed me so much, and he’s sooo happy that we’re back together. I missed my little buddy too, I have to say. Now all we need is our forever home!
7. Tonka
Hello world, I’m Tonka, an 8-year-old pug boy – and much like my mighty namesake, I’m one mighty pug — all 27 pounds of me! I might be a little Husky (get it? A little Husky?), but my Foster Mama says I’m just a squishy ball of puggy love! I don’t mean to brag, but on top of that, I’m even house trained, crate trained, and clever enough to use a doggy door! I get along with other pups and would be good with kiddos over five years old – I can just get a little happy and excited to see them and might accidentally knock down a younger toddler. I love snoozing on the big bed, giving the neighborhood squirrels a hard time, and (obviously) EATING! I’m not so sure about being pals with cats yet – but I’m working on broadening those horizons! I’ve had a handful of my teeth pulled and soft palate surgery since I’ve arrived here, but as you can see from my handsome photo, it didn’t take away from my amazing grin!
8. Windsor
Hey all you pug peeps! My name is Windsor and I am a 2 year old happy pug boy. I’ve only got one eye, as you can see, but that doesn’t bother me at all. I’ve got a little bit of a lolly tongue too, but that just makes me cuter. I love to play and have tons of energy. Being a young dude, I need a little bit of reinforcement on my house manners but I learn quickly! Right now I’m living with a bunch of other pugs, from 14 to 5 years old and I get along with all of them just fine. I’m learning to get into the pug games, they are lots of fun! I’m small and trim and really healthy, just looking for the right folks to be my family.
9. Zoe Bug
My name is Zoe Bug and I’m a chubby little love bug looking for my forever home! I’m 9 years old, and I’m great with other dogs and just as happy as can be. I’m just a sweet, easy-going girl. I’m crate-trained and completely potty trained. I even know how to use a doggie door! My foster mom says that I’m just a dream of a pug gal and that whoever adopts me is really lucking out. I’m a great little pug!
10. Arbuckle
Well, hello! My name is Arbuckle. I’m a mature guy and, not to brag, but I’m a total sweetheart! I may be between the ages of 11 to 12, but I’m healthy and l have a loving heart. And how can you resist my salt and pepper colored beard? I heard that some people like a guy with a little grey hair! Also, I enjoy the outdoors. Show me outside and I am ready to run and play! Here I go bragging about myself again, but I’m pretty amazing given that my vision isn’t what it used to be. No worries…I know how to make my way around the house and yard! Just give me a little time to get comfortable with my surroundings and I’m good to go! Also, I really like my foster brother. We play well together, which shows I play well with others. Oh, and I’m potty trained!
So, which one of these pugs will you adopt?
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DFWPRC ROCKS – and any one (or two?) of these pugs will make your life complete! Such loving and loyal dogs!
This is so great! DFW Pug Rescue is one of the best rescues in the nation, so glad to see their good work being exposed. Many organizations do not use 100% of donations for their cause, so I am happy to be part of an organization that does. Cheers to DFW Pug Rescue!!